Tuesday, November 23, 2010

VISTA - Black Screen white mouse pointer

1) Use the vista DVD to go to the repair mode.
2) From the same screen where you do the system restore, there's an option to open an administrative command prompt.
3) That should open in X:\Sources or something like that
4) Go to the windows drive by entering C:
5) Now go to the windows event log folder on your machine (C:\Windows\System32\winevt):
cd c:\windows\system32\winevt
6) ren Logs Logs_bad
7) mkdir Logs
This will create an empty folder for new event logs.

Restart the system and cross fingers.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Windows Vista Broken Gadgets

- First of all, if you have the Sidebar running, close it and exit the program.

1. type cmd in the Start menu's white (Start Search) line and right click cmd (at top) and click Run as administrator.

2. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 msxml3.dll and press Enter

3. Click OK

4. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 scrrun.dll and press Enter.

5. Click OK

6. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 jscript.dll and press Enter.

7. Click OK

8. In the command prompt
, type regsvr32 msxml4.dll and press Enter

9. Click OK

10. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 msxml6.dll and press Enter

11. Click OK

12. Reset Internet Explorer
to its original settings.

13. If you are using aero, deactivate it.

14. Reboot your computer

15. Reactivate aero.

Your sidebar should be working fine now.

Windows Vista Black Screen Flashing Cursor

Many things can cause this issue,the first thing to try is repair the MBR or Master Boot Record.

How to Repair or Fix a broken Vista MBR:

To Restore Vista MBR, please use the following simple solution.

1. Start your computer from the Windows Vista Installation DVD
2. Press a key when prompted to continue
3. Choose your language, time, keyboard and click Next:

Select language and preferences
4. Next, click "Repair your Computer":

Repair your computer
5. Now, from the System Recovery Options dialog, select the "Operating System" you want to repair, then click Next:

System recovery options, choosing your Operating system
6. From the "Choose a Recovery Tool" dialog menu, select "Command Prompt":

Recovery Tool Command Prompt
7. Type the following into the "Command Prompt Window":

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot

8. Remove the Vista Installation DVD and restart your PC.

If all goes well, this process should have enabled you to restore your Vista MBR and you should now be able to boot back into your Windows OS.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Reset XP activation

Reseting the Activation Trial:
In this example: Your activation period has expired, (past 30 days) and you need to get to Normal mode again.

1. Turn On your PC

2. Press F8 repeatedly and go to Safe Mode

3. Logon as per normal
(note: Administrator password is usually blank, but hopefully you know your password)

4. Allow the Desktop to fully load (answering "Yes" to continue into Safe Mode)
(note: This is just a long way of saying go to Safe Mode)

5. Click on Start - Run

6. Type in exactly: rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk (and click OK)
(note: one space, after "rundll32.exe " also the Oo are two letter o's in "oobe"; capitals and comma are important)

7. Wait a couple of seconds (although you will Not see any change)

8. Restart your PC normally (Start - Shutdown - Restart - Ok)

9. You are now able to go to Normal Mode again (For another 30 days !!!)

10. Do whatever you like, you're back to Normal.

This fixed it for me but took me a long time to find this and get it going, hopefully it works for you to.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Your Computer is Broken, you don't say.

In case you are wondering you should Dust your computer now and again.

Monday, February 22, 2010

DHCP Fails to load

It sounds like you have a corrupt winsock entry. If you get the SVCHOST.exe error at start up try this.

Click Start/Run
Type regedit then click OK

Delete the two registry keys listed below...



** Restart the computer

Click Start/Control Panel/Network Connections

Right click on your Local Area Connection icon and left click on properties

Click on the Install button

Select protocol and click Add

Click the Have Disk button

Type "c:\windows\inf" and click OK

Select Internet Protocol TCP/IP and click OK

close the properties window and restart the computer

Your Network card should now properly request the IP address from your routers DHCP server.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Windows 7 MCP

Simply create a folder named the following.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Auto log in and out Virus FIX!

1.Insert the BartPE or tools CD into the drive, and boot the system from the CD. Once the file loading phase is over, the Bart PE desktop will be visible, as shown in Figure 1.
2.Type Regedit.exe in the prompt, and press Enter. Select the HKEY_USERS hive
3.From the File menu, choose the Load Hive option. Browse to your Windows installation drive, for example the following location:

4.Select the file named SOFTWARE (the file without any extensions), and click Open
5.Type a name for the hive that you've loaded now. (Example: MyXPHive)
6.Now the SOFTWARE hive is loaded, and present under the HKEY_USERS base hive.
7.In order to fix the Userinit value in the loaded hive, navigate to the following location:
HKEY_USERS \ MyXPHive \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon

8.Double-click Userinit and set it's value correctly. Example: Set it's data as follows:

(Include the trailing comma also. The above assumes that Windows is installed in C:\Windows, and Userinit.exe file is actually present in the System32 folder. You may want to verify that as well.)

9.After entering the correct data, you MUST unload the Hive. To do so, select MyXPHive branch, and then in the File menu, choose Unload Hive. It's important to note that you'll need to select the MyXPHive branch first, before unloading it.
10.Quit BartPE and restart Windows. See if you're able to logon to your profile

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Powerful malware process stopper

You can stop most MW or Virues and scan with MWB.This Tool allows you to clean up even the worst Virues at desktop. you may want to read the instructions here